Friday, October 3

A sunny day!

After a long wet summer we've finally had some sunshine but today it feels like fall. The wind has been blowing all night and the ground is covered with leaves and my unripe pears falling off the tree.

I don't know if I'm just not a natural blogger or if there is a better way to get into this. But with only 8 posts so far, it certainly seems like I'm not really getting the hang of it. I think I'll try giving my self deadlines. I could try going overboard and commit to posting everyday or try a more reasonalbe once a week. The funny thing is that I now have 3 blogs--why would I do that when I can't seem to get one working!?

Well, I'm going to work on it. And my next challenge is to get photos off my camera phone onto this blog. That will be my goal for next week.


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