I just asked Simon what I should write about and he said, ‘my lovely sons’. So here goes. I have two lovely sons, born 12 minutes apart. Huge babies, adorable toddlers and lovely young men now in their early twenties.
Simon was living and working in London when the virus lockdown began to shape our daily lives. He was ill with a fever just days before the lockdown started and had to self isolate in his room. We had been trying to figure out different means of getting him home but then when the travel restrictions came in all the options disappeared. He was out of reach. We didn’t hug him until August having not seen him since January.
In early December he took advantage of a travel window to come see us, knowing he would have to work over Christmas. But suddenly new guidelines came into force. He was furloughed from his job so he didn’t return. And then Wales went into what we’re calling the 3rd lockdown. So we are enjoying having him camping in the guest room, coping with the the small bag of things he brought for his 4 day visit.
Simon has become my weekly shopping buddy as we go to collect the grocery order from the supermarket. It’s usually the only time in the week I get in the car and it’s nice to have this time to chat with him. He’s alway up for a conversation about theology or music or why we should get a cat. He’s got a real servants heart and helps with the cooking and walking the dog. And he plays the piano. It’s so nice to have live music reverberating through the house.
Eliot plays the piano too but he’s working full time and usually only plays late at night after work. Eliot’s been living at home about 18 months now. Last February, after getting his driving license, he got a new job delivering pizza. Who would have thought that this would be such a blessing? It’s regular work and has helped him become an excellent driver. Pizza, well food, is considered essential. So he has been working consistently through the whole covid crisis. He’s also been doing online courses. And he’s been adventurous in the kitchen. We’ve had sourdough bread, stollen, brownies, mince pies, to name a just a few. Eliot’s also been helpful around the house and walks the dog. The dog sleeps in his room and he’s carried the burden of being woken up when our ageing pooch has been sick.
Over the last few years we’ve rarely had both ‘boys’ home at the same time for more than a few days. So to have them both here for 7 weeks now is a real treat. They’ve been playing chess, and Nintendo together. They’ve been sharing funny videos with each other and squealing with laughter. We’ve all watched numerous films over the Christmas break and enjoyed Simon’s recommendations which included The Mandalorian.
The lockdown isn’t easy for any of us but one of the joys has been having my lovely boys around the house. I miss the opportunities to see their sisters terribly. But having the boys here encourages me. This pandemic has meant limited time with the people I love. But this 3rd lockdown season has meant more time with my lovely sons. For this I’m thankful.
Let your work be shown to your servants,
and your glorious power to their children.
Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us,
and establish the work of our hands upon us;
yes, establish the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:16,17
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery,
but be filled with the Spirit,
addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
giving thanks always
and for everything to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Ephesians 5:18-21
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