I was on a call today when the person I was talking to said, ‘what’s that? Is that a Tonka truck?’ That’s when I had to explain that the guest room, turned zoom studio is also the overflow storage facility for things that aren’t presently needed, like toys for the beloved grandkids who haven’t been able to visit.
I’m usually careful to check that the ‘background’ is pretty neutral—nothing offensive or distracting. But some things like a BIG YELLOW TRUCK are pretty recognisable. I forget that my zoom guests might have me on ‘full screen’ so that truck on the floor 5 feet behind my chair was probably very prominent in the backdrop.
Of course there were other things just out of view. Stacks of books to give away, a bag of clothes for the charity shop and a bed with no sheets on it—just a pile of bedding.
We’ve been studying the shema using the Bible Project in our small group. The charge Moses gives to the people, ‘Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength’. Love God with everything, with your muchness.
Tonka trucks are so recognisable because of their color and their shape. I hope that the way that I love God makes me unmistakably identified as a Christ follower.
Lord there’s a mess in the background of my life, things I don’t know what to do with, things that won’t go away, but you are also there. I recognise you, the colour of your love, the shape of your kindness the presence of your Spirit. Thank you for being there.
#Tonka #BibleProject #Missions #Bible